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Context objects are provided to methods of Inputs and Templates. Each contains shared helper functions and information.

Input Contexts

This context object is provided to runInput.


Any manually provided values as described by the Input’s args.

For example, this input takes in an roundTo number that defaults to 1000:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
import { z } from "zod";
export const inputCurrentTime = createInput({
args: {
roundTo: z.boolean().default(1000),
produce({ args }) {
return Math.floor(+new Date() * args.roundTo) / args.roundTo;


An object to make network calls, containing:

  • fetch: An equivalent to the global fetch function
  • octokit: GitHub Octokit that uses the fetch internally

For example, this input retrieves a random Cat fact:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
export const inputCatFact = createInput({
async produce({ fetchers }) {
const response = await fetchers.fetch("");
const data = (await response.json()) as { fact: string };
return data.fact;


A virtual wrapper around the file system.

For now, the fs object contains a single property:

  • readFile: Given a file path, returns a Promise for its contents as a string

For example, this input reads the contents of a file from disk as a string:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
import { z } from "zod";
export const inputFromFile = createInput({
args: {
fileName: z.string(),
async produce({ args, fs }) {
return (await fs.readFile(args.fileName)).toString();


Whether to hint to the input not to make network requests.

This is equivalent to the --offline CLI flag. If provided, Input Context fetchers will be hinted not to make any network requests.

For example, this input resolves with undefined instead of sending a request when offline is true:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
export const inputFromFetch = createInput({
args: {
resource: z.string(),
async produce({ fetchers, offline }) {
return offline ? undefined : await fetchers.fetch(args.resource);


An execa shell script to run commands.

This is useful for data that’s easiest to pull from the CLI.

For example, this input retrieves the current Git user’s email:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
export const inputGitUserEmail = createInput({
async produce({ runner }) {
return (await runner("git config")).stdout;


Produces another Input using the current context.

take takes in:

  • input (required): another input to produce
  • args (optional): any arguments for the input

It returns the result of calling the input with the args.

For example, this input uses take to read in data from a file from another input:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
import { inputFromFile } from "input-from-file";
export const inputFromFileJSON = createInput({
args: {
filePath: z.string(),
async produce({ args, take }) {
const text = await take(inputFromFile, args);
if (text instanceof Error) {
return text;
try {
return JSON.parse(text) as unknown;
} catch (error) {
return error as SyntaxError;

The take function is provided to Inputs and Options so that they can run another Input with the same context they’re running in. Other properties from the current context will be forwarded to the provided input.

Options Contexts

This context object is provided to:


Whether to hint to the template not to make network requests.

This is equivalent to the --offline CLI flag. If provided, Input Context fetchers will be hinted not to make any network requests.


Any manually provided values as described by the template’s options.

Template prepare() functions are designed to fill in any options not manually provided by the user. Options that are manually provided are available under the context’s options. This can be useful when default values for some options are dependent on other options.

For example, this template defaults an name option to a kebab-case version of its title option:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
name: z.string().optional(),
title: z.string(),
prepare({ options }) {
return {
name: options.title.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "-"),
produce() {
// ...


Produces an Input using the current context.

take takes in:

  • input (required): another input to produce
  • args (optional): any arguments for the input

It returns the result of calling the input with the args.

For example, this template uses take to default an option to the contents of a file:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
import { inputFromFile } from "input-from-file";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
nvm: z.string(),
prepare({ take }) {
return {
nvm: async () => await take(inputFromFile, { filePath: ".nvmrc" }),
produce() {
// ...

The take function is provided to Inputs and Options so that they can run an Input with the same context they’re running in. Other properties from the current context will be forwarded to the provided input.

Template Contexts

This context object is provided to:


Whether to hint to the template not to make network requests.

This is equivalent to the --offline CLI flag.

For example, this template adds an --offline flag to its installation script if offline is true:

import { createTemplate, produceTemplate, take } from "bingo";
import { z } from "zod";
export default createTemplate({
produce({ offline }) {
return {
scripts: [offline ? "pnpm install --offline" : "pnpm install"],


Values for options as described by the template’s options.

For example, this template uses its title option to create a

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
title: z.string(),
produce({ options }) {
return {
files: {
"": `# ${options.title}`,
Made with 💝 in Boston by Josh Goldberg.