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createTemplate() takes in a Template Definition and returns a Template.

A template definition must contain:

  • produce: a synchronous function that generates the list of creations to place in a repository

A template definition may optionally contain:

  • about: documentation metadata about the template
  • options: an object with Zod schemas for any options the template takes in
  • prepare: creates functions to lazily load default options values
  • setup: additional production function for initializing a new repository with the template
  • transition: additional production function for migrating an existing repository to the template


A synchronous function that receives up two two parameters:

  1. context: a Template Context
  2. settings: any additional template-specific properties

produce() returns a Creation.

The produce() function of a template is run when a new repository is being setup with the template or an existing repository is being transitioned to the template.

For example, this template defines a files Creation for a knip.json:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
produce() {
return {
files: {
"knip.json": JSON.stringify({
$schema: "",

See Creations for what can be produced.


A Template Context used to inform the production.

For example, this template defines a title option used in its file creation:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
import { z } from "zod";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
title: z.string(),
produce({ options }) {
return {
files: {
"": `# ${options.title}`,


Any additional template-specific properties.

These must be manually provided by users, such as through a configuration file

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
import { z } from "zod";
export interface MyTemplateSettings {
getDocumentation: () => string;
export const myTemplate = createTemplate({
options: {
title: z.string(),
produce({ options }, settings: MySettings) {
return {
files: {
"": [
`# ${options.title}`,
import { createConfig } from "bingo";
import { myTemplate } from "./myTemplate.ts";
export default createConfig(template, {
getDocumentation: () => "Hello, world!",
options: { title: "My App" },

Settings are typically used by Templating Engines to provide rich values to template producers. For example, the Stratum engine uses them to allow passing in custom pieces of tooling.

Optional Properties


Metadata about the template that can be used by tooling to describe it.

This is an object containing any of:

  • description: a sentence describing what the template does
  • name: what to refer to the template as
  • repository: the owner and repository of a GitHub Template Repository

For example, this template describes itself as a solution for TypeScript repositories generated from JoshuaKGoldberg/create-typescript-app:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
about: {
"One-stop shop for the latest and greatest TypeScript tooling.",
name: "Create TypeScript App",
repository: {
owner: "JoshuaKGoldberg",
repository: "create-typescript-app",
produce() {
// ...

Repositories generated from that template would indicate generated from JoshuaKGoldberg/create-typescript-app under their name on the GitHub website.


The Zod values for options that will be made available to the template’s producer methods.

For example, this template defines a required name string and optional value number:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
name: z.string(),
value: z.number().optional(),
produce() {
// ...

Options defined in a template may use the Zod .default() property to indicate suggested defaults. These will show up as placeholder values in the Bingo CLI if the property isn’t provided explicitly or inferred by prepare().

For example, this template defines a required description string that suggests a happy text message:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
description: z.string().default("A lovely repository! Hooray! 🙌"),
produce() {
// ...

Options for Setup

Templates on their own do are not required to have any particular named options. However, in order to be used with Setup mode, two options must be present:

  • owner: a z.string() or generally a subset of boolean | number | string
  • repository: a z.string() or generally a subset of boolean | number | string

For example, this template that defines owner and repository as strings:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
owner: z.string(),
repository: z.string(),
produce() {
// ...

Requiring the owner and repository fields be string-like allows Setup mode to create new repositories on GitHub using those two options as repository locators.


Creates lazily loaded default values for options. Receives an Options Context and returns a Creation.

Templates can optionally define a prepare() function that provides fallback values for options. Those values will be used if the user doesn’t provide explicit values during creation.

For example, this template defaults its value option to "default" if not provided:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
value: z.string().optional(),
prepare() {
return {
value: "default",
produce() {
// ...

Running that template without an explicit --value would be equivalent to running with --value "default".

Asynchronous Defaults

prepare() itself is a synchronous function, but option properties can be asynchronous functions. Any function provided for an option property will be called and awaited if the option is not explicitly provided. This allows potentially slow accesses of asynchronous defaults to only be run and waited for if they’re not explicitly provided.

Asynchronous defaults are often used for external resources such as the file system, network requests, or shell commands. The take function can be used with Inputs to access those external resources.

For example, this template defaults a --author option to the result of running npm whoami with input-from-script:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
import { inputFromScript } from "input-from-script";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
author: z.string(),
prepare({ take }) {
return {
author: async () =>
await take(inputFromScript, { command: "npm whoami" }),
produce() {
// ...

If an asynchronously loaded resource is used for multiple options, you’ll likely want to cache it. The lazy-value package’s lazyValue function is a handy way to cache that work.

For example, the following template defaults its --author and --owner options to executing npm whoami and/or gh api user -q . login. Both shell commands are cached and run no more than once each:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
import lazyValue from "lazy-value";
export default createTemplate({
options: {
author: z.string(),
owner: z.string(),
prepare({ runner }) {
const npm = lazyValue(
async () => await take(inputFromScript, { command: "npm whoami" }),
const github = lazyValue(
async () =>
await take(inputFromScript, { command: "gh api user -q .login" }),
return {
author: async () => (await npm()) ?? (await github())?.toLowerCase(),
owner: async () => (await github()) ?? (await npm()),
produce() {
// ...


Additional production function for initializing a new repository with the template.

For example, this template creates a starter index.js file when first run:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
setup({ addons }) {
return {
files: {
"index.js": `console.log("Hello, world!");`,
produce() {
// ...


Additional production function for migrating an existing repository to the template.

For example, this template deletes any already-existing test config files when run on an existing repository:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
setup({ addons }) {
return {
commands: ["rm .mocha* jest.config.* vitest.config.*"],
produce() {
// ...
Made with 💝 in Boston by Josh Goldberg.