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The virtual file system used by Bingo. 🗄️

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npm i bingo-fs

The separate bingo-fs package includes types and utility functions for the file system used in Concepts > Creations > files.

This file system is a simplified abstraction over the lower-level APIs in Node.js and other platforms. APIs and data are optimized for simplicity and ease of use, rather than completeness.

For example, given a structure like:

└── src
└── index.ts

bingo-fs would represent that structure with an object like:

"": "...",
"src": {
"index.ts": "..."


Each property in a files object may be one of the following:

  • false or undefined: Ignored
  • object: A directory, whose properties recursively are file creations
  • string: A file to be created
  • [string, CreatedFileOptions]: A file to be created with options:
    • executable: Whether to add permissions to make the file executable

For example, this Bingo template produces an executable .husky/pre-commit file:

import { createTemplate } from "bingo";
export default createTemplate({
produce() {
return {
".husky": {
"pre-commit": ["npx lint-staged\n", { executable: true }],



Given a directory path, reads in the directory as to the bingo-fs directory structure.


  1. directoryPath: string (required)
  2. settings: IntakeFromDirectorySettings (optional):

For example, retrieving all files in a src/ directory:

import { intakeFromDirectory } from "bingo-fs";
// { "index.ts": "..." }
await intakeFromDirectory("src");


An optional regular expression to filter out directory children.

For example, you may want to avoid .git and node_modules directories:

import { intakeFromDirectory } from "bingo-fs";
// Result: { "...", src: { "index.ts": "..." }, ... }
await intakeFromDirectory(".", {
exclude: /node_modules|^\.git$/,
Made with 💝 in Boston by Josh Goldberg.