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Bingo templates each provide a CLI to set up a new repository or transition an existing one. That CLI will interactively prompt you for any required options that can’t be inferred from disk.

For example, to run create-typescript-app:

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta
┌ ✨ create-typescript-app@2.0.0 ✨
│ Learn more on:
│ Running with mode --setup for a new repository.

Common Flags

All Bingo templates support the following set of CLI flags.


Type: string

What local directory path to run under.

If not provided:

  • If the current directory is empty, defaults to it (.)
  • Otherwise, you’ll be prompted to input one

For example, creating a new repository in a subdirectory:

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta --directory my-fancy-project


Type: boolean

Prints help text.

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta --help


Type: string

Which Execution Mode to run in.

If not provided, it will be inferred based on whether Bingo is being run in an existing repository.

For example, specifying creating a new repository with create-typescript-app:

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta --mode setup


Type: boolean

Whether to run in an “offline” mode that skips network requests.

If provided, templates will be hinted to not make any network requests. That often means they will install from offline caches, skip creating a repository on GitHub, and skip sending GitHub API requests. The repository will roughly be a local-only creation.

For example, specifying creating a new repository offline with create-typescript-app:

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta --offline


Type: boolean

Prints the Bingo package version.

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta --version

Template Flags

The template being generated from will likely add in additional flags. Templates generally add in a CLI flag for each of the options they support.

For example, if a template defines a title option, --title will be type string:

Terminal window
npx create-typescript-app@beta --title 'My New App'

Any required options that are not provided will be prompted for by the template’s CLI.

Made with 💝 in Boston by Josh Goldberg.