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Test utilities for Stratum Blocks and Presets. πŸ§‘β€πŸ”§

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npm i -D bingo-stratum-testers

The separate bingo-stratum-testers package includes testing utilities that run Blocks and Presets in fully virtualized environments. This is intended for use in unit tests that should mock out all Stratum Contexts.

Stratum generally reuses existing Bingo tester APIs when possible:

Other Stratum constructs behave differently:

  • Blocks: may be tested directly with testBlock
  • Presets: do not have a corresponding API, as they can be tested by passing the preset option to a Template that includes them


For Blocks, a testBlocks function is exported that is analogous to produceBlock. It takes in similar arguments:

  1. block (required): a Block
  2. settings (optional): any properties from a Block Context

For example, this test asserts that an nvmrc Block creates an .nvmrc file with content "20.12.2":

import { testBlock } from "create-testers";
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import { blockNvmrc } from "./blockNvmrc";
describe("blockNvmrc", () => {
it("returns an .nvmrc", async () => {
const actual = await testBlock(blockNvmrc);
files: { ".nvmrc": "20.12.2" },

As with produceBlock, testBlock returns the Block’s Creation. Both Direct Creations and Indirect Creations will be present.

settings and all its properties are optional. However, some properties will cause testBlock to throw an error if they’re not provided and the Block attempts to use them:

  • options: each property throws an error if accessed at all


Block Addons may be provided under addons.

For example, this test asserts that a Prettier block adds a useTabs arg to its output ".prettierrc.json":

import { testBlock } from "create-testers";
import { describe, expect, expect, it } from "vitest";
import { z } from "zod";
import { base } from "./base";
const blockPrettier = base.createBlock({
addons: {
useTabs: z.boolean(),
produce({ addons }) {
return {
files: {
".prettierrc.json": JSON.stringify({
$schema: "",
useTabs: addons.useTabs,
describe("blockPrettier", () => {
it("creates a .prettierrc.json when provided options", async () => {
const actual = await testBlock(blockPrettier, {
addons: {
config: {
useTabs: true,
files: {
".prettierrc.json": JSON.stringify({
$schema: "",
useTabs: true,


Base Options may be provided under options.

For example, this test asserts that a uses the title defined under options:

import { testBlock } from "create-testers";
import { describe, expect, it } from "vitest";
import { base } from "./base";
const blockReadme = base.createBlock({
produce({ options }) {
return {
files: {
"": `# ${options.title}`,
describe("blockDocs", () => {
it("uses for the title", async () => {
const actual = await testBlock(blockReadme, {
options: {
title: "My Project",
files: {
"": `# My Project`,
Made with πŸ’ in Boston by Josh Goldberg.